Navigating real life in a modern-day America

In U.S. History, THE MAYFLOWER is celebrated as the merchant ship that brought the first Puritans (known today as Pilgrims) from Plymouth, England to the ‘New World’ (Now the United States) in 1620.

This MAYFLOWER is a restaurant with workers from across the world connecting on a human level through realities that separate us.

Our first episode is available  here

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VISION | Eplleseed Films is an African & African-American-owned film & television production company that delivers entertaining, meaningful and quality projects from the perspective of Africans & African Americans. The vision is to create a healthy, supportive, growth-centered work environment in partnership with white allies & other creators of color from across the world. The first scripted project from Eplleseed Films is the series MAYFLOWER.

Eposi Litumbe